Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My oldest daughter brought me all of her change the other day and told me she was giving it to Oscar. She counted it all up and had $5 to give. When I asked if she was sure she wanted to give it all away, she didn't hesitate. The next day, my five year old came sneaking into the kitchen and waited til I had my back turned then laid down two pennies and a seashell and asked if she could give that to Oscar. Then my three year old, following in the footsteps of his sister brought me a plastic heart for Oscar, and told me I could have all of his money. (He has no concept of money, but does a pretty good job of sharing.) I love that they watch each other, and learn from each other, and give their all. I learn so much from them. Sometimes fear grips me and I hold back. Even when I feel God nudging me, I hold back. They step out in faith, knowing God will take care of them. When they talk to God, it is so simple, so trusting, so pure. And such an example to me. Are there children in your life to show you simple faith? The kind of faith Jesus spoke of when He was here? I hope there are. But if not, maybe there should be. Sometimes we hold back because we wonder what others would think... fear. Sometimes we hold back because we don't think we have what it takes... fear. Sometimes we hold back because there is no money...fear. But sometimes, we need to walk forward... in FAITH.
Maybe it sounds crazy but have you ever thought of adopting? Of giving up and giving all? There are so many kids around the world that need families, and you know what? Families NEED these children too. 

Tonight, I need your help. We only`have twelve days left to reach Oscar's goal and we are still $432 short. Remember if you donate OR share you are entered. Click here for the rules. Please, please share!! 

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. ~ Matthew 18:3  


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