Saturday, December 29, 2012

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ ~ Matthew 25:35-40

Maybe you have read in the news that Russia has signed a bill to stop US citizens from adopting Russian orphans. You can read about why this is happening here. Like many, I have been following this closely in the news, and I have read several comments along the lines of, "well that's sad, but why not just adopt in the US, there are kids here that need homes." (paraphrasing.) I have to say, I am really saddened by that. I don't begrudge anyone for adopting in the US or in a foreign country. I believe that God calls each person on to do certain things. Many to adopt from their home country and many to adopt in foreign countries. (And many to do things totally unrelated to adoption.) But the plain truth is, the children in foreign countries, especially those with special needs, are "the least of these". They are forgotten. They are unloved. They are alone and they have no voice. That is why I have chosen to advocate for them. Because in this very small way, I am serving Jesus. I am not advocating or trying to raise money for Oscar or any other child for any reason other than that. These kids have a need, and I have a voice.

I have mentioned before that Oscar is the same age as my son, so I ask you this. If this were my son, would you donate $2, $5, or whatever you could afford? Would you share with everyone you know about the need to get him home? Well, Oscar is mine... and yours. The other children, they are ours. Take a moment to look at the Angel Tree I have been talking about here. There are still 120 kids that have not met there goal. We have just two days tp get them to that goal. Sound hopeless? It's not. We serve an amazing God.

I am reaching out to you this morning and asking for your help for the "least of these". Please, join with me over the next two days in serving these children. Be their voice, talk to others about Reece's Rainbow, share on Facebook, Twitter, a blog, in your church, with your family or friends. Donate if you can. Maybe you think your $5 doesn't make much difference, but I promise you it does.

I have a few giveaways so pay close attention cause I'm going to change the rules a little...

Julie Gumm is the author of the book "Adopt Without Debt". And she graciously donated a copy of her book to help out! Any Dave Ramsey fans out there? Check out Julie's website here to see what he has to say about this book. When Oscar reaches $600 I will give away her book. Comment below once you have donated to be entered.

Kim de Blecourt, also an author, donated the book "Until We All Come Home" about her family's struggle to bring home their son from Ukraine. I read the sample of this book and was literally on the edge of my seat. You can read about it here. When Oscar reaches $700 I will give this one away. Just comment here on my blog once you have donated and I will enter you.

If you donate to *any* child below the $1000 goal on the (Angel Tree <----- Click to meet our kids,I urge you to take time to look at their sweet faces.) I will enter you to win a Kindle Fire. Mix it up if you want. Split your money up and donate to as many different children as possible. We want them ALL to meet their goal. I will draw for this on New Year's Day.

One last giveaway. Donate to any child below the $1000 goal on the Angel Tree and I will be giving away a handmade Waldorf doll. I will make the doll in whatever skin/hair/eye color you choose. If you've never heard of these dolls you can read about them here. This will also be drawn for on New Year's Day.

Be SURE to comment below and tell me which giveaway you would be like to be entered in. (Ex. Jane Jones $10 Kindle, Larry Jones $5 doll) Everyone who donates and comments will be entered in the book drawings.
As always, sharing gets you entered. Remember to comment though! It's late and I'm tired, so if I've left anything out, feel free to ask questions! :)

And HERE is a link to some really great gift card giveaways!
Love bottle cap hairbows and jewelry? Look HERE!
Remember these giveaways ALL help orphans with special needs!! We are trying so hard to get all of our kids there. PLEASE help us if you can!!!

One last thing. Even though the Russian ban on US adoptions has been signed, there is a chance that children with special needs could still be adopted to US citizens. This is HUGE. There are many families already in the process of adopting, some are only days away from going to pick up their children. Pray that this amendment passes. And pray that hearts are softened and this ban will be reversed. Don't underestimate the power of our God.


  1. Donated 5 to Donovan (kindle fire)
    and donated 5 to Clayton 2H (doll)
    Will probably be donating more all afternoon/evening and most of tomorrow. We need them all up and over!

    Chris Fretwell homezoo at shaw dot ca

  2. $5 to Donovan (Kindle Fire)

    -Toby Ward

  3. Hi,

    My family of four donated $320 among Emily 15H, Angelia, Donovan, Elden 14G, and Katrina 14G. Please enter us in the kindle giveaway and thank you for all you are doing for these children. We have faith that this will be resolved and at least the special needs children will be able to find homes!


  4. I donated $5 to Norma 26HA, Camille 36F, and Kristie (2001). I'd like to be entered for the Kindle.
